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Manon Lauron

Specialist in Tax Law and Customs Law

Specialist in Tax Control and Litigation


Thanks to these tools, my clientele is not exclusively local or French and our exchanges are nevertheless fluid and relevant.​


I therefore equipped myself with several tools: making appointments online, dematerialized customer area used to submit file documents, declaration software for income tax and IFI declarations, infographics (clear information support), electronic signature of mission letters.

My clients must be reassured, supported and have confidence in their advice both in terms of its performance and the practice of fees.

The performance of the firm is sought through training which is permanent at the Firm, because taxation is constantly changing. The training followed amounts to approximately 40 hours per year.

At the end of the meeting, a mission letter is sent to the client in order to decide on a budget to devote to the mission.

The goal is to offer them a pragmatic solution to implement.

Everything is indicated there: the mission, the deadline and the price.

Then we write our adventure.

I will never be able to do all the jobs I want or experience a multitude of projects but today my job allows me to share the diverse and varied projects of my clients and this is for me the best way that I have found to satisfy this curiosity that drives me while being the unwavering support of my client.

Lawyer in tax law since 2017, holder of the specialization in Customs Law and Tax Law, as well as Tax Control and Litigation, I wish to provide my clients with the right level of information they need to make tax decisions. everyday life (declare their income, declare their assets, buy real estate, sell real estate, invest, develop their professional tools, structure their professional tools, pass it on to their children, move from France or move to France, contest a tax audit or pay it, check that they comply with tax and accounting constraints, check that the taxes established comply with reality).

My approach is above all about sharing experience and knowledge in order to enlighten my clients' thinking.

At the firm, tax litigation is as important as tax advice. In this way, I draw on the tax adjustments that I defend to identify the details that allow me to give the most informed advice possible.

Taxation is often experienced as a source of complexity and insecurity. I strive to make it understandable for everyone and to identify the pitfalls that could arise.

I don't work alone. My clients work with me on their projects, this is the very purpose of the contract that binds us.

This requires a lot of communication between them and me in order to know exactly their situations and their needs.

To do this, all discussion channels are allowed: telephone, emails and video. Appointments do not have a fixed duration. The aim of this format is to clearly understand the objective pursued by the client.

at the Bar
from Castres


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